Research Interests
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- What is Bioorganic Chemistry?
In other words, natural products chemistry. It is a research field that investigates life sciences primarily using organic chemistry.
- Research Interests
Organic compounds that maintain life and regulate many biological events are called "natural products".
Natural products possess a variety of biological activities;
thus the investigation of their molecular mechanisms is essential to understand reacions occurring in life.
We, organic chemists, are expected to elucidate the structures and biological activities of natural products in order to understand life sciences.
Natural products chemistry and bioorganic chemistry are closely related to medicinal chemistry, agrochemistry, and other fields.
Our research interests are:
- Isolation and structure determination of bioactive natural products
- Total synthesis of bioactive natural products
- Molecular mechanisms underlying the biological activities of natural products
- Details of Our Research
Natural products that our group have studied (Publication list) (PDF document)
- picrotoxinin
- coriamyrtin
- tutin
- antheridic acid
- ingenol
- 13-oxyingenol
- jolkinolide D
- korolkoside
- ptaquiloside
- ptaquilosin
- ptelatoside-A
- ptelatoside-B
- ptelatoside-C
- ustalic acid
- laurencenyne
- neolaurencenyne
- trans-laurencenyne
- trans-neolaurencenyne
- squalene-10,11-epoxide
- aplyronine A
- aplyronine B
- aplyronine C
- aplaminone
- neoaplaminone
- neoaplaminone sulfate
- debromoneoaplaminone
- epi-aplysin-20
- aplaminal
- dolastatin G
- nordolastatin G
- dolastatin I
- doliculide
- aurilide
- auripyrone A
- auripyrone B
- auriside A
- auriside B
- dolabelide C
- dolabelide D
- aurilol
- auriculol
- neohalicholactone
- turbotoxin A
- turbotoxin B
- pinnamine
- tribromoacetamide
- haterumalide NA
- haterumalide B
- biselide A
- biselide B
- biselide C
- biselide D
- biselide E
- spongiasysteine
- cinachyramine
- 5.beta.-hydroxy-13-epi-11.beta.-neoverrucosanyl sulfate
- 5.beta.-acetoxy-13-epi-11.beta.-neoverrucosanyl sulfate
- cyclohaliclonamine A
- cyclohaliclonamine B
- cyclohaliclonamine C
- cyclohaliclonamine D
- cyclohaliclonamine E
- phormidinine A
- phormidinine B
- mycalolide B
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